March 4, 2025

Here is a spell for protection from an unknown source:

Materials needed:
– White candle
– Incense (such as sage or frankincense)
– Clear quartz crystal
– Piece of paper and pen

1. Begin by lighting the white candle and the incense.
2. Hold the clear quartz crystal in your hands and focus on grounding yourself and connecting with the energy of the crystal.
3. Write on the piece of paper, “I am protected from all unknown sources of harm and negativity.”
4. Hold the paper in your hands and visualize a bright, white light surrounding you, forming a shield of protection.
5. Recite the following incantation:
“By the power of light and love divine,
I call upon protection that is mine.
Unknown sources of harm be gone,
I am shielded and protected from dawn to dawn.”
6. Fold the paper and place it under the white candle to burn.
7. Hold the clear quartz crystal and feel the protective energy surrounding you.
8. Thank the energies and elements that have assisted you in this spell.
9. Allow the candle to burn out completely.

May this spell bring you protection and peace of mind from any unknown sources of harm. Blessed be!

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